BY Michael Light / On July 21, 2023

Miami is no stranger to being in the limelight. 这也不是365app第一次沐浴在聚光灯下,因为365app欢迎一位体育神童. 2004年,365app欢迎奥尼尔来到迈阿密热火,2010年是勒布朗·詹姆斯“带着他的天赋”. 来到南海滩”,迈阿密热火迎来了三巨头时代. These are very exciting times! In addition to the celebrations, 体育获胜,并向世界其他地方炫耀365app作为一个城市的体育实力, there is also a positive effect on the local economy.

This time, the celebration is a bit different. Shaq, Lebron, and Bosh were all amazing boons for Miami. And while the NBA is wildly popular in the United States, other countries haven’t quite caught on at the same level. This time it is Messi, an international superstar in an international sport, and arguably the GOAT at soccer football. So what can we expect from the “Messi Effect?”

Ticket Sales

在过去的十年里,大卫·贝克汉姆一直致力于将一支美国职业足球大联盟球队带到迈阿密. 经历了这么多的逆境和怀疑,他对使命的信念始终没有动摇. 他在2018年成功组建了迈阿密国际足球俱乐部,比赛将于2020年开始.

Before this monumental addition, 你可以冒险去劳德代尔堡的DRV PNK体育场看主队比赛,只需要30美元. Although they usually didn’t win, 你必须认识到,一个新俱乐部需要一些时间来适应, so to speak. 这也为迈阿密现在有这样一个明星球员在名单上增加了燃料, as we are incredibly competitive and love to see the home team win.

For the Messi opener tonight versus Mexico’s Villa Azul, tickets are now starting at $265 per person, and venturing up to the $110,000-range.  While the price tag will likely level off below the $110,000 price tag for the most expensive seats, 预计在梅西执教期间,转会数量和成本的增长都将非常强劲.

Tourism and Merchandise

与梅西在迈阿密国际米兰比赛的门票价格上涨相一致, the economic impact on the city as a whole will benefit.

When large sports events occur in any city, there is a spike in tourism. 在餐馆和娱乐场所消费的金额有所增加, local goods and services as well as sales for local merchandise. 通常还需要额外的基础设施,以容纳前来主办城市观看赛事的游客. 这在最近的DRV PNK体育场和自由公园体育场的翻新中已经得到了证明, 目前正在动工的价值10亿美元的俱乐部未来主场. The anticipated delivery date is 2025.

These factors not only generate tax revenue, but also new jobs for the local residents, who then increase their spending habits, creating a full-circle economic strengthening effect. 经济走强的现象在城市与政客之间的竞争中表现得很明显 hosting privileges of things like the Super Bowl, Copa America, Formula 1, The Olympics and the World Cup.

Miami is very fortunate to have the formula down, and easily is able to garner such events with relative ease, 享有超级碗和一级方程式赛车以及最近的美洲杯的定期主办特权.  upcoming World Cup feathers in our cap. Last year’s debut of Miami Race Week drew $350 million into the local economy in one week alone.

With a worldwide superstar Messi as a regular spectacle on the pitch, 这些好处将比在恢复正常之前的一个大星期更持久. 这将成为新常态,至少在他的合同结束之前(希望能续约)。.

Real Estate

With Florida’s favorable tax climate, 有许多人更愿意在迈阿密拥有一块自己想用的地方,回家后再把它租出去. Bringing in a sports superhero such as Messi increases this demand. 2010年勒布朗加盟迈阿密热火队,以及2004年奥尼尔在这里挂帅,365app都看到了这一点. 人们认识到需要额外的租赁机会,并希望成为参观和收入方面的一部分.

The thing that is different this time is that with Lebron and Shaq, they each had an immense fanfare with people from the United States. Messi however has a more international and global appeal, as football is more popular in these areas than in the US. This is set to reignite the international appeal of Miami, 并重新吸引近年来可能有所减少的外国投资者.

365app已经看到来自南美不同国家的网络流量和电话的增加, and with our position in the Knight Frank Global Connection, 365app很高兴看到这么多新面孔有兴趣参与迈阿密的持续发展和振兴. 莱坊全球连接(Knight Frank Global Connection)是一个由来自世界各地的经纪人组成的网络,其使命是让全球精英能够购买外国365app. 365app很荣幸有机会在这个网络中代表迈阿密.

Whether Messi and the Inter Miami win tonight or not, this is a large win for the club, for the MLS, for the city of Miami and South Florida as a whole.

“Today a new journey and a new chapter starts. There will always be a before and after Lionel Messi,周日,迈阿密国际足球俱乐部的合伙人豪尔赫·马斯在梅西的欢迎仪式上对观众说. “365app是世界上最伟大的球员的遗产的接受者,他从纽维尔老男孩开始. 去了巴塞罗那,最后去了巴黎圣日耳曼,但今天它掌握在国际迈阿密和它的球迷手中. This is our moment to change the football landscape in this country.”


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